A Busy Period Fuelling Determination

A Busy Period Fuelling Determination

I apologize for the absence of blog entries over the past few weeks. During the past month, I have been quite busy with both the development of my book and my presentation at Oxford Brooks University.

It was an absolute pleasure to have been invited by Brianna Wyatt, the senior lecturer of Dark Tourism & Global Visitor Economy at Oxford Brooks University, to speak about being an entrepreneur in dark tourism having written and nearly published my book, A Guide to Dark Attractions in the UK. The presentation has allowed me to reflect on my book’s development and helped me to see where I have learned new skills. It was great to share my experience with a group of students who were motivated and passionate about their career and dark tourism. It was also nice to learn that a few of the students were eagerly awaiting the publication of my book.

In my opinion, it’s fantastic that the university offers a course that explores dark tourism and its various career paths that students might pursue after graduating. Many people think that there aren't many career opportunities in dark tourism, yet there are plenty, ranging from exhibit designing to working in themed hotels and attractions. As I arrived early for my presentation, I was able to listen to Brianna explain many of the opportunities that people can pursue. A lot of them I hadn’t even considered myself.

Since delivering my presentation at Oxford Brooks, I would most definitely like to carry on sharing my story and giving talks to other groups on dark tourism. I think it’s really important that entrepreneurs share their experience and pass this on to others who are pursuing their own career path. This not only demonstrates leadership but also increases the enthusiasm and determination of people considering starting their own business.

Mark Coster of Pixooma Ltd, Marie-Louise O'Neill of Lovely Evolution and Maddie King of Graphic Mouse

Marie-Louise, my designer, has encountered a few obstacles with uploading the designs to Amazon. Marie-Louise has been working hard on making sure that the manuscript can be uploaded to Amazon and printed correctly when it comes to its release. Although this is a bump in the road, I’m glad that we discovered this now because there would still have been issues when it comes to its release.

Marie-Louise has been very busy moving the book forward, we understand that the book is eagerly anticipated. Therefore, in order to move the book forward faster we will now be collaborating with Mark Coster of Pixooma Ltd and Maddie King of Graphic Mouse. I am thrilled to have them on board and truly look forward to working with them- after all, as they say, more heads are better than one.

Make sure to follow my Facebook page to receive updates on the progress of my book and my travels. If you would be interested in me being a guest speaker on anything relating to dark tourism, feel free to contact me through my website's contact page.