A New Set of Goals for the Year Ahead

A New Set of Goals for the Year Ahead

As the year comes to an end, I've thought back on the goals I set at the start of this year. Although I mentioned them in an earlier post, I had set out to visit Sicily, publish my book, redecorate the house, and travel to Malta. I'm happy to share that I've accomplished all of these.

Since I usually break new year’s resolutions, this was the first year that I didn't make one. Instead, I set a few goals for the year. I am therefore making some new objectives for the upcoming year. I believe this worked for me because it gave me the time, I needed to accomplish my goals by using the appropriate strategy.

My new set of wholes for 2025

  • To complete my next project, I have already started this, but I can’t share too much about it yet!
  • To visit New York
  • To do a few ghost investigations with those I met at Oxford Castle and Prison
  • To redecorate the spare room and to turn our other room into an office.
  • Freshen up the garden
  • Visit Madrid, if I can fit this in

My main focus is undoubtedly on the first two, since I want to finish my project for everyone who is interested in my book. I also wish to visit New York because I did research Ground Zero and its museum during my time at university. I want to learn more about the 9/11 tragedy, but I also want to understand the ethical issues surrounding both of these areas and speak with those who buy souvenirs from the museum. Since this is a place of remembrance, I see selling souvenirs as capitalising off the deaths and the suffering of people impacted by the tragedy.

Apart from my participation in the ghost investigation at Oxford Castle and Prison this year, I haven't done any investigations previously. I thought it was fascinating and rather fun. In fact, a few of us from the tour at Oxford Castle and Prison have talked about doing some in the coming year. The factual background of the ghost sightings, however, is crucial to me while doing these investigations. Was the person killed or did they pass away tragically? This will be a focus of mine when visiting haunted sites.

With an office, I believe this will give me a space to be more creative and inspired on projects. With focusing on the house over the last year we haven’t paid much attention to the garden, so we think this is much needed. At the end of each year, we try to plan a relaxing break to think back on the year, so Madrid seems like the ideal destination.

What is your new year's resolution or goals for the upcoming year?