The Benefits of Hosting a Book Signing Event

The Benefits of Hosting a Book Signing Event

There is much more to holding a book signing event than selling copies. I held two book signing events recently, the first at Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker and then at Shrewsbury Prison.

I actually worked closely with these places to write their entries. In my opinion, it is important to show that you understand the significance of a place’s history. Throughout the process of my book, I kept these attractions and others up to date on the development of it, by sharing the edited version and the design of their entery.

I worked with Bryony Leyland, who works at Hacker Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, throughout the whole process of my book she showed great support, sharing about my book, answering any questions and being well prepared for the day. She gave me a free tour of the bunker on the day, it was fascinating to see so many decommissioned nuclear weapons on display and hearing how they had been obtained - many of which had be donated to the bunker.

There is actually documented evidence that a lady, Joan, died at the bunker. It unsure how she may have died as it believed that she may have been killed or committed suicide, but she is known to have died from falling from what is now known as the yellow staircase. Was the pressure of defending the country too great to bear? or was it there were secret that even those working there weren’t supposed to know, let alone public?

The history of the bunker's primary operations is known, but what happened on a daily basis behind the blast-proof doors remains a secret. At the time of the bunker being repurposed into a museum barrels of hazardous material were discovered that needed to be disposed of carefully. Why was hazardous material left at the bunker? Was a Soviet spy detained, questioned, and eventually disposed of at the bunker. These are questions that we may never know the answer too.

The team of Shrewsbury Prison were willing to support me throughout the whole process of my book, offering to market it and organizing a book signing event, in which they were well prepared for, checking on me throughout the day to see if I needed anything. They continue to support my book as vistors are able to purchase a copy from their gift shop.

While many indie authors may deem a book signing events as primary way to sell their books, I see this as a bonus. I personally think it is a great method to reach those who may consider your book of interest. It gives potential readers the opportunity to ask questions about yourself and your book. These events, in my opinion allowed me to connect with visitors by making them aware that they were participating in dark tourism without them even realising it.

If you are considering publishing a book and hosting a book signing event, look at these as the perfect opportunity to show how your book relates to and personally connects to that individual. The ripple effect is an unknown factor that can come from these events that could positively affect your book’s performance. A long-term marketing strategy can be developed if you are able to establish a personal connection with potential readers. They will be more likely to remember your book and recommend it to others.

I am currently in discussions with a few of the attractions featured in my book to hold book signing events. If you would be interested in me hosting a book signing event at your attraction or as part of an event like a fair, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via my contact page.