Welcome Curious Minded Tourists and Travellers

Welcome Curious Minded Tourists and Travellers

Welcome to my first blog post. I’m Leon McAnally, and as you may know, I’ll soon be publishing a guidebook on dark tourism places in the UK. I won’t bore you with the definition of “dark tourism,” as you can easily find this out by searching for it on google or by clicking on the tab dedicated to it at the top of this page. Instead, my blog will serve as a way for me to keep you, my curious minded audience, up to date on the progress of my book, any future plans I may have, and to share my travels and opinions on dark tourism-related topics in the media.

As many of you are aware, after two years of researching and writing, my book, A Guide to Dark Attractions in the UK, is nearly completed. Personally, I can’t wait to share with you a darker side to our British history. My goal is to share with you the history of many overlooked memorials, places, artefacts, individuals, and their stories. After writing about almost 300 locations, I’m still left wondering why is it that we haven’t been more interested in learning the history associated with these places. Is it because we prefer to keep our heads in the sand and don’t want to know, or is it because part of the history has been forgotten? It is likely that many of the places in my book that you come across you may not have heard of, or if so, the information that I share with you on each place may alter your perspective of it and make you want to revisit the site.

Although I don’t want to reveal too much about the contents of my book just yet, as there is still plenty of time for this, I can tell you that the design elements of the South of England, London and nearly the Midlands sections of my book are completed, Marie-Louise, the designer of my book, is making progress. As it is starting to take shape don’t forget you can get a sneak peek of my book by commenting a page number between 1 – 200 on my book’s Facebook page.

I hope you are intrigued enough to discover a darker side of British history with me. I will not only sharing with you the history of Britain, but together, we will also look at the individuals and events that have shaped Britain and how these have become to be remembered.